Sunday, May 3, 2009


There are some great deals at Staples this week. Most of these are Free after Rebate items. If you aren't familiar with Staples rebate program it's similar to Walgreens in that you submit all your receipts online and get one check each month. Bic Pens are on sale for $1.00 this week at Staples
Casio KL 60L Labelmaker HERE. $19.99 with $20 rebate = FREE! (limit 2)
Peachtree Pro Accounting 2009 HERE $140 with $140 rebate = FREE

HP Multipurpose 81/2 x 11" paper $6.29 with $6.29 rebate HERE = FREE (limit 2)

Staples Photo Plus GLS 4X6 60PK $9.99 with $8.99 rebate HERE = $1.00 (limit 2)


  1. So, I've never done Staples before. Can I buy these in store and get rebate, or just online?

  2. You purchase them at the store and they'll give you the rebate information which you register on line.
    I'm going tomorrow and I'll let you know what else I find out.
