This is a post from a blog that I follow all the time. I wanted to share this with everyone. I think she did a great job explaining the perception of couponing...Thank you to Hip2Save!!!! Enjoy "I've received so many emails lately from readers regarding Target issues and other coupon problems they've been encountering. Some even mention throwing in the towel and just giving up. I feel bad when I hear these stories, especially when they come from newbie couponers.
When I first began this frugal journey, well, there were a few times when I almost gave up on using coupons altogether. My main reason for getting discouraged--dealing with those not so coupon friendly cashiers! There were a couple times I actually left the store in tears. I know, I know, I'm on the sensitive side. Over time, though, I've realized that I'm NOT doing anything wrong! In fact, I'm doing everything right! I'm helping my family live on one income easily, I get to stay home with my kiddos, I'm teaching them the value of a dollar and so much more! There's nothing wrong with using coupons and saving money! Do NOT let anyone tell you differently!
I have a memory that I swear will probably never leave me. My hubby and I were checking out at the grocery store (with of course a pile of coupons). There was a line forming behind us, so I said politely to the young guy directly behind us, "I'm sorry this is taking so long." He looked at me and stated, "Don't worry, we've all been there before, we've all been there." I wanted to say been where?, but instead I turned around and smiled at my hubby, who smiled back at me (we were thinking the exact same thing).
What were we thinking---What a misconception people have! I find it quite funny that some people really do think that the only reason we use coupons is because we HAVE too! If we don't we'll lose our homes, be on the streets... BUT that's just not the case! I don't have to use coupons. I choose this way of living! I have more money in the bank, NO debt, we've been able to save for vacations... And the best part, like I said above--I get to stay home with my kiddos! We really do lead a great life, a life filled with way more than I could have ever expected. Being frugal does NOT put a stop to all that life has to offer. I think it does the opposite, opens your eyes to even more...
For all you new couponers out there, I hope you don't get discouraged like I did! Don't let other people bring you down for wanting to save money! Keep on truckin', because I promise it will be well worth it! I never anticipated how amazing this frugal journey of mine would become and now, well, it has surpassed all my expectations and I can guarantee it will for you too!"